dimecres, 20 de juny del 2012

Voluntary works

Now Im going to show you  the voluntary works I have done during the hole year to increase a bit my note of TIC! I hope you like it!

Obelix Facebook

In this work we had to create a imitation of the social network, Facebook, for a famous person or cartoon with the writer of open office!Here I lent you my creation, the facebook of Obelix! I recomend you to do it It's very funny!:)


In this work we had  to create a person with one part of the body of each person of my class!The result is a bit strange but is funny! I recommend you to do it :)


Open Office: IMPRESS

dimarts, 19 de juny del 2012

Open Office: DATABASE

Querie-Table-Form & Inform
In this work we had to do queries, forms and informs about the tables of  data that I post (dataclass and nameadrrphone)!here I lent you the tables and the database of them:)

 Table Index

Table dataclass

Table nameadrrphone

Queries Index


Form index

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3

Inform Index

Inform 1

Inform 2

Open Ofiice: CALC

How to create the tables of multiplicate?

In this work we had to create a tutorial (the most easy as possible) about how to do the 10 tables of multiplicate with CALC! The tutorial is done it with writer and the tables with calc.

 And here is the result:)

 Factura libros
 In this work we had to do an invoice  of the list of the books of our high school.Here I lent you the list of the books!




GIMP: Collage class

This is the first work we had to do using GIMP , at fisrt it's a bit difficult if you never have used before or you never worked before with photoshop or programmes like those... So I lent you a tutorial with the basics of  GIMP ! I hope it will be useful:) 
 Click here fot the tutorials:  www.gimp.org/tutorials/

In this work we had to do  a collage with the photos of each of the members of the class and then paste all of them in a wall like if it was a real photography! Take a look of my class:)

GIMP: Logo

In this work we had to copy a famous logo with GIMP!
So here is the copy and the original logo...Take a look:)



dilluns, 18 de juny del 2012

Open Office: WRITTER

In this work we had to do a tame tible , but to do it fisrt we needed to create our own tutorial about it and follow all the steps.
So here I lent you my tutorial and the resolt!:)

7.Once you have donde step 6 your time table is FINISHED!:)

Fisical education
Fisical education



And this is the result! This is my own time table but now you can do it yourself changing the style ,so..scome on try to do your own time table;)

I hope it will be useful!:)


This are some questions obout the history of TIC that we had to answered for our TIC exam. So if you want to know the basics of the history of TIC here you have some good information:)

After this information I posted more information about SOCIAL NETWORKS so take a look;)

  1. When did Videogames appear and what did they look like? Lisa

In the 90′s and didn′t have a lot of capacity as now because they hadn′t a necessary resources.
  1. What is a MODEM and what is it used for? Jandro
A modem is a device that modulates an analog signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information. The objective is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. Modems can be used over any analog signals, from diodes to radio.
  1. Why ADSL can transmit the digital information at the same time than conversations? Jandro
Because ADSL uses frequencies that aren't used by a voice telephone call. A splitter, or DSL filter, allows a single telephone connection to be used for both; ADSL service and voice calls can occur at the same time.
  1. What are artificial satellites used for? Name the first one. Suany
The fisrt was the Sputnik launched on October 4, 1957.Artificial satellites are used to gather and store information.

  1. How the GPS receiver calculates the position?Suany
A GPS receiver determines its location by analyzing signals it receives from GPS satellites orbiting around Earth.

  1. Which devices are used as external memories? Javi
The external memory which is called backing store or secondary memory, allows the permanent storage of large quantities of data, usually measured in megabytes or even in gigabytes.
The most common form of external memory is a hard disc which is permanently
installed in the computer and will have a capacity of hundreds of megabytes.
Information is recorded on the disc by magnetising spots.

  1. Explain the four generations of mobile technology, indicating the improvements of each. Ana
    People were able to transfer calls from one site to another as the user travelled between cells during a conversation. The first commercially automated cellular network was launched in Japan in 1979. In the UK, Vodafone made the first phone call in 1985.
    So this generation was called the 1G generation.
    The 2G generation emerged in the 1990s. They used the GSM standard, which used digital transmission instead of analog. After the rise of the 2G, many people started using it and so this contributed to prepaid phones. Technology made improvements like in batteries and electronics. As a result, phones tended to be smaller than the previous “brick” phones.
    The second generation also introduced the SMS to the population. The first SMS was sent in 1993 in Finland. After that, it started to become a trend among all ages.
    The difference between the 3G and the 2G is that 3G started using packet switching and 2G used circuit switching for data transmission. The first pre-commercial network with 3G was launched in 2001 in Tokyo. The fast and high connection of the 3G technology enabled a transformation in the industry. For the first time, media streaming of radio and even television content to 3G handsets became possible with companies such as Real Networks and Disney among the early pioneers in this type of offering. By the end of 2007, there were 295 million subscribers on 3G networks worldwide. In the third generation, also the mobile internet appeared and Wi-Fi.
    By 2009, the 3G networks would be overwhelmed by the increasing number of applications like, for example, the streaming media. In consequence, the industry began looking for data-optimizing technologies, who would have up to 10-fold speed improvements more than the 3G networks. So they started creating the fourth generation. The first two 4G technologies were offered in Scandinavia (WiMAX & LTE standard). The basic difference between 3G and 4G newtorks is that the 4G connections are about 10 times faster.
    The 5G technology includes all the features you can think of, it start to be equal as a computer. It includes camera, MP3 recording, video player, large phone memory, dialing speed, audio player, internet, bluetooth and much more. It is said that the 5G technology is foing to be a new mobile revolution in the market. The uploading and dowloading speed is as fast as it never was before, it's even faster than 4G

   9. Which is the role of Modem in LAN? Federico
The comunication using telephone lines
  1. What is a MAC address? Ashley
Is a hardware identification number that uniquely identifies each device on a network. Because there are millions of network devices, and each device needs to have a unique MAC address, there has to be a very wide range of possible addresses. Are made up of six two-digit hexadecimal numbers, separated by colons.
  1. Who invented the screw-press and why was it so important? How written information was broadcasted before it? Explain these ideas. Claudia
The screw press was first invented and used by the Romans in the first century C.E
  1. What do we call Multimedia to? What is it used for? Lisa
Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video that is delivered by computer .Is only used to describe multiple forms of media and content.
  1. Differences between first and last generation of cellular phones. Ana
The last genration includes camera, MP3 recording, video player, large phone memory, dialingspeed, audio player, internet, bluetooth and much more.
4G systems may be based on the 3GPP LTE (Long Term Evolution) cellular standard, offering peak bit rates of 326.4 Mbit/s.
  1. What is a network protocol and how does it work? Federico
A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication between network devices. Protocols for computer networking all generally use packet switching techniques to send and receive messages in the form of packets.
The Internet Protocol is responsible for addressing hosts and routing datagrams (packets) from a source host to the destination host across one or more IP networks.
  1. Which are the applications for instant communication? How do them work in terms of network? Laura
The chat, SMS...They use real time short messages. They need a small widthband

  1. Which were the first machines that made numeric calculations for the first time? Explain a little their working. Ellie
The ABACUS was a very simple but effective way of solving the problems. It was a very simple way of adding and subtracting. You use either the units, tens, hundreds or thousands as you would if you were writing them down. You push the beads that you use closer to the beam and those are the ones you subtract or add.
  1. Which devices became more important from screw-press up to telephone? Explain them a little. Isabella.

First the pencils(1565),then the Semaphore lines(1648), then the electrical telegraph(1838),then the fax(1843) and finally the Typewriter(1846).

  1. Which was the first wire transmission? Explain its evolution and the phone networking nowadays. Nico
The telegraph ,created in 1837 by Samuel Morse was the first to perform wired transmission.
In 1850, the telegraph had expanded in North America, England and some countries of Europe.
In 1851, a cable, joined Europe and Africa and other islands situated in the Mediterranean Sea. People started to realize that connections through the Atlantic Ocean would not be too difficult.
The difference between the telegraph and the telephone was that the telegraph could only transmit information in Morse code and that the information of the telegraph was sent through wires, and the information of the telephone was sent through electromagnetic waves.
Nowadays, the information can be sent in lots of ways: optical fiber, satellites, cellular networks, microwave transmission or by wires.

Social networking

Social networking

Social networking sites are social spaces designed to facilitate communication that function like an online community of internet users and allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile where you can read the profile pages of other members and possibly even contact them.
Social network sites have three common elements:
  • A member profile
  • The ability to add other members to a contact list
  • And supported interaction between members of contact lists
Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. Many of these nodes share common interests in hobbies, religion, or politics and are looking to meet other people and share first-hand information and experiences.


  • They are good ways to make connections with people with similar interests and goals from all around the world.
  • You can create groups of people with interests in common.
  • It makes it possible to create forums and online conferences.
  • The comunication can be in real time
  • Useful for the search of personal information


  • You cannot always adjust your privacy settings so as to control who has access to your personal information.
  • People have been denied work because of information found on social network
  • Anybody can use your images whitout your permision.
  • Lack of control of data
  • Can be addictive
  • Data theft and viruses
  • People can create false identities

How to stay safe

Permissions are a very important feature of most social networking services because these allow members and groups control over who gets access to their profiles and information.
  • Do not post private information
  • Do not post anything that might be embarrasing to you in a potential employment situation or in the future.
  • Privacy settings so as to control who has access to your personal information.
  • Restrict the visibility of your information to:
                         signed in service members only
                         people on your contacts list
                         particular groups of service users

Most populars social networks

According to recent Hitwise figures, the most popular dedicated social network sites in the UK are MySpace, Facebook and Bebo.These types of social networking services are profile-focussed that contain information about the activities, interests and likes (and dislikes) of each member.


Online chat is an internet comunication that alows sending real time text messages between one or more persons.
Social networks tend to normally offer chat service.

Problems and criticism:

  • It is not possible to be sure of the identity of a person in a chat
  • The language use in a chat can be very informal and incorrect because messages have to be fast.